Working Women

Working Women is about Working Women. I created this project to show the wonderful jobs that women can do. It was to highlight that we can do any job that we want and that look how far we've come. This project coincided with the celebration of 100 years of the Suffragette movement.

Sadly, during this project, it opened my eyes to how far women have come but also how much we need to go for equality in the working environment and jobs. It was emotional for me because, as a woman, i noticed I've been given the impression of we've made more progress than what we actually have.

There is so much more that needs to be done and in the future we will have a quality.

One particular photo of the police officer, is one image I'm very proud of. A week before London was on a high terror alert. In that exact spot where she is standing her colleague was knifed to death. She stands strong, doing the job that she's always wanted to do.

Sadly, in my end of year show I was not allowed to display this photograph. My work had been censored because of the risk of upset. As a photographer I was extremely hurt by this because this particular photo was to show you the strength and purpose of the female police officer, been proud of her job.




Botanical Rain